I’m really looking forward to starting my final year next week – it’s been a loooong summer – and I’ve missed the stimulation and interaction that comes with the course. Even my husband has been praying for this day!

I’ve kept myself busy with commissions, researching for my dissertation and the proposed project – which is becoming more preposterous with each investigation. While I had the idea some years ago, and it’s evolved through time, the concept never left, but by putting it into a formulated proposal with dimensions, practicalities, materials and costings, as it grows in size the likelihood of it being a reality appears to be diminishing! “Never give up, never surrender!” (Galaxy Quest?)

I’ve settled on the material, not an easy one to source! My husband, who thankfully is an engineer worked out the dimensions, so we’ve had to scale it down by a third, and now that we’ve got the scale, (still massive) I now have to find a manufacturer/advisor who can tell me if its even possible, as there is a time constraint to the construction and lifespan of the material. Never mind permission issues – I’m not even thinking about that one yet!

My first step I think when I get back is to construct a scaled macquette, with which I can use to approach the tutors/advisors, (its a very site specific and visual structure). I just missed the last WARP ‘proposal seminar’, but have enroled on the next one in January – it would be good to get an opinion regarding its feasibility and use the knowledge taught so far with internal and external mentoring.

In the meantime, I am going to embrace this final year to the max – even after 4 years, I still haven’t scratched the surface of the opportunities available to me at Swansea – as I said, I can’t wait to get started!