We had a year meeting this morning, introducing us to "Big Crit" which will take place every tuesday morning from now on.
Each week two students will give a 45 min presentation of their work to the class and a selection of lecturers. We need to treat it as an oppurtunity to prepare and test our skills of presenting our own artwork. Something which we havent really had a chance to do, especially on a scale like this. We spent an hour chatting about what was acceptable and what wasnt, for example: The presentation must take place in that room, we cannot fill the room with the actual artwork, we cant overrun and we need to have time dedicated to questions/debating.
Im pretty excited, i cant wait to get to know the people in my studio through a strong first impression of their artwork. Perfect :) Plus, it will encourage me organise my portfolio, its gotten a little rough around the edges over the last couple of years. (oops).
I also went into my installation room today, well, tried to. The door was locked with a note from my lecturer:
"Hi Erin, I have heard through the grape vine that you intend to undertake a piece of work that we cannot condone and also will not be able to assess. Please come and have a chat, Regards. Harold"
I definetly have a soft spot for my Lecturer Harold, he has been a saviour for me over the last few years and helpped me develop as a person and with my art. There are no words i could put here that would express his wonderful personality. So i went and found him, turns out that health and safety had put a big clamp down on the university. Meaning we were being watched and after lots of joking and chatting i realised that it wasnt just my health and my grade that was on the line – but also Harolds job. That was something that i would never be willing to risk, so i accepted that while in university there are some art practices that would not be condoned.
The performance piece had included, or may have included, a blade… which was intended to cut my skin IF the performance had developed that way. I dont like to plan my pieces from start to finish, just have the options there. But it was a piece of work based on the personal and what we physically have of our body that is purely our own. My thoughts have been in all seriousness that i cannot find an inch of my skin that is not seen or touched by another person. Which disturbs me slightly. Anyway, the performance was stopped and i changed it around so that i could continue tomorrow afternoon – the representation of action can be stronger than the actual action…. or so they say. We'll see.