Viewing single post of blog Swansea Metropolitan University

So the last couple of days have been good because ive been in from 9am through to 6pm, Alison the ceramic and casting technician has been giving me a lot of help and ive managed to figure out how to use my video camera for time lapsing.

It has also has a bitter-sharp dark side. My lecturer Craig was meant to meet me for a brief tutorial before lunch, i get a message after lunch saying he will see me at 2:30pm… i wait in my space from 2:30pm until 4:40pm and think FUCK IT. We get a constant battering from the lectures about time keeping and attendance in studios – yet they arent setting the best example. To be honest, i cannot wait until university is finally done. I won't have to jump through any more of these ridiculous hoops for people who simply do not care.

Lecturers, BAH! After my big crit being cancelled without me being told, to me being left off of every list put up, to completely missing tutorials, the promise of a mock interview….which basically looks like clowns will climb out of my arse before one gets set up…. i am more than a little fed up.

Oh well, it's my own fault i guess. Refuse help from others constantly – then when i actually need it enough to ask for help….. i get nowt. God Bless Sods Law! (and thank the heavens for sarcasm…)

Hopefully tomorrow it wont be pissing down with rain long enough for me to film the sky.