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Hello everyone! I havent been able to get online to read or write an blogs for a month. Sorry i havent kept up with everyones progress, but i hope that everyone is well on their way to celebrating a final degree show!

I must admit, its been a hard month, i feel like im constantly holding my breath and avoiding sleep like the plague. I am no where near to where id like to be, both with my own work and the exhibition catolouge.

Get this! We got a quote for our catolouge at £950 ish, which we were thrilled with – we went to the printers with a hard copy and the files, the hard copy was clearly landscape and we directly asked about binding. Everything was fine, we then got an email the next day saying they didnt realise it was landscape and they couldnt bind their and would need to send it off – with the new quote of £1700…..!!! Yeah, ridiculous! So we are in a bit of a rush as the exhibition opens on the 22nd May.

As for my newest project, the personal space one, well there's been a hick-up or two. The amount of resin has heated up so much that my rubber moulds have become more and more damaged each time i cast, even when i used a variety of barriers! So i cant cast anymore, i dont have half the amount of casts that i had intended and new moulds would take two weeks to make – which is impossible in my timescale.

So im going to clean up and finish off the casts i have and take them to the space and just play, and hope, that the art gods strike me with inspiration, or a lovely muse skips into my life for a day. Im trying to be relaxed, normally i would enjoy the experience, but the time span is much tighter than id like. This along with an elective to hand is, is required extreme time management. Im being pushed hard, and id be so happy to come out the other side with a smile on my face. (i think thats what is secretly keeping me going)

Anyway, i hope i can squeeze more time on here and get involved again.