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This week, as they say, I have been mostly crocheting fungi!

I love crocheted things, but have never really done much. So I am sitting with a hook and a ball of wall just letting the crochet form itself to reveal organic fungal forms. I am getting carried away, I envisage wading through great heaps of crocheted matter. The wool version is soft and tactile, clinging and hanging, changing it’s shape. I have a go with hemp string, this is much harder to work forming a more rigid structure. It is too hard somehow, so I dip it in paper pulp, not to obscure the stitches but to build another dimemsion. The pulp clings on, its delicate fibres smothering the original form; and strangely as it dries it sucks the colour from the hemp which stains the paper. Now it looks like a fossil. These are experiemental pieces, I buy some more wool – I’m hooked (!)
