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I have today recieved Louises book! Immediately I was taken back to Croft Castle and started to think of the different things we did and saw there. I particularly remember the small shed full of used books, in which we spend quite some time laughing at some old Blue Peter annuals. The orchard where the children where kicking rotten apples about, the lovely peaceful chapel where we were looking at some fantastic tiles. The walk down hill to the swampy ponds where we were looking for creatures, and not forgetting the constant noise of the ‘small’ boys nattering in the background.

The book is fantastic and I am not yet sure how to respond to it. I just wanted to make a comment here, especially with all the memories that came flooding back. I find it very interesting that the things which has stayed with me in my mind, has been about what we did together as two families, and not about the art exhibition we went there to see.

To me this is becoming a project about staying in touch and how it still is possible to grow together even if it only is by sharing short moments in life.

I think my response to this book should be called ‘A short moment in life’.
