Viewing single post of blog TEN MONDAYS


Drew a stem of at least ten leaves.

Drew another hen helmet. Started to make a pattern from an old white sheet, pinning and checking, rather floppy, will be different in felt. Tried to get a rough sense of the shapes and I will cut out a sample in felt at home. When I visited the Henry Moore Foundation last week (well worth a visit: www.henry-moore.org), I found out about his series of helmet heads that he made in the 1950s and 1960s. He explained that these sculptures were about vulnerability and protection and he often had a figure inside.

I went up in the East Hill Lift this morning with my turf and took some photographs. Looking from up there gives a different point of view – changes your perspective. Hastings was laid out below, idyllic in the sunshine, the tide out and sandy beach exposed. I will look up Cornelia Parker and her Edge of England pieces.

Need to look at Hiller and Beuys as I collect my water samples and research bottles and think about display.

Word plays – practice how to film this, try out stills. I think about live, alive, leaf and this space that has no natural light and so it is not a place where you can grow anything. I continued to read The Gift by Lewis Hyde and picked out this quote from Flannery O’Connor: ‘The eye sees what it has been given to see by concrete circumstances, and the imagination reproduces what, by some related gift, it is able to make live.’