Viewing single post of blog TEN MONDAYS


On the home run now. Much to do. But the workmen are in the studio installing a new boiler. Have to postpone my day. But I am able to try out the data projector and test my slide.

EXERCISE: Will draw my ten leaves at home.

I have collected all my waters and am struggling with a map to mark the gathering places.

THINGS TO DO: buy pots of paint, plan stencils, put up shelves, put slide on powerpoint, draw leaves, send out flyer for the Open Times (Thursday 30 June 5-7pm and Saturday 2 July 12-3pm) etc. etc. etc.

READING: from HOW TO BE AN ARTIST by Michael Atavar:

Just do one thing today. It doesn’t really matter what it is. Just do it.’

Process is all. It’s the heartbeat of creativity.”

‘You are the source.”

“No artistic activity is wasted, however small or seemingly unseen. Its impact on you is forever, held in the body.”

The reading each week has been steadying, optimistic, realistic. Perhaps reading is enough.

Later I spent some time staring out of the window at the rain and wind blowing the trees, branches swaying, leaves twirling. That too is enough.