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While looking into gestures that form part of how we communicate in wider sense of ‘test’ situations my attention circled around nodding. Most commonly, it indicates agreement or acceptance. Even a non-verbal nodding gesture is a sign for acknowledgement. Furthermore, nodding is a key gesture in conversations and argumentation that aim to convince. Generally, nodding is quite natural for us to do or to follow and tends to stimulate levels of agreement.  As one of the key ideas for interpersonal communication both in formal and informal ways it made me think of processing advice on nodding in the format of a recorded paragraph.

Nodding is a good strategy. Nod occasionally while you listen. It makes you more likely to agree. Nod a lot in front of others. It is natural for them to do the same. Nod while you talk. It makes you extra convincing. Nod frequently during conversations. The persons you are talking to will find it hard to not nod themselves. It makes them more likely to agree to what you are saying. Try. Keep nodding!”