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Another hectic week has passed in which three separate printed press has arrived at our studio-

our Wasp Room spring/summer season brochures

'Fictions' exhibition leaflet/flyers

'Fictions' exhibition posters

This means that amongst other things, this week will consist of a great amount of walking and the placing of flyers in art spaces, cafes, community centres etc. Sigh. Possibly the worst job involved in being part of an artist-run initiative.

We found out last week that we have been awarded an 'NCAN Bursary' which will help finance several video-podcast commissions for our forthcoming project 'Tethervision', due for launch officially over the next month. More work and discussion is needed to research, develop, make or commission the high-quality content we are looking for.

My own personal 'to do' list seems to fluctuate like the tide: no sooner do I strike tasks off, do more arrive with a determined velocity. I have decided to retire from the world of slumber; sleep is overrated anyway. If you don't get a chance to rest then your world will eventually become a kind of hypnogogic blur, so rather than missing out on vivid and chaotic dreams my life will become one long absurdity.

Anyway, no time, busy beavers must keep chomping