Well it’s not Friday, and it’s not 5 o’clock but I feel the need to post.

Following a very interesting day yesterday I am starting to wonder if and where I fit into a PERFORMANCE ART scenario. And am wondering if this is the reason for my somewhat frustrated efforts in getting my work shown.

I spent the day at Circuit in Leicester and the evening at it’s sister (or brother) gig HATCH at Embrace Arts Leicester. It was an enjoyable experience with a multitude of interesting and thought provoking works. However it led me to question again the role of the audience in LIVE ART.

I didn’t get to see all the performances in either space but my overriding impression for the day was that I was a PASSIVE audience member. This was the case even when engaged in a one-to-one performance. I was asked to do things on these occassions but the control always rested with the performer. There was no scope for the punter to influence the proceedings.

As a willing audience – we tended to follow the unwritten rules – we didn’t do something unexpected – we didn’t help a person where we might have done in another context WE PLAYED ALONG WITH THE GAME – we respected what we thought we were supposed to do in as an audience in a live art context. But is this right? Are our own responses not valid in ANY situation. Is there one programmable experience designed for us when we enter the space? Are we SUPPOSED to feel ONE thing? Surely every response to art is a personal one and this should be taken into account. If, as the audience we react in a differnt way, does this mean we don’t understand or are not sympathetic to the rules? Are we not able to interact unless specifically requested to in a certain way for fear of shattering the illusion?

I think this is the crux of why my work does not seem to fit into the established set ups. I am interested creating something (object) and then in handing over the responsibility to the audience for them to experiment with. It is not prewritten in any way – any outcome could occur.

Perhaps it is this ambiguity about ‘outcome’ or ‘quality’ that is leading to my problems?


I post this purely out of silliness and to show that not all creative skills are transferable.

I can’t make cakes.

Can you tell what it is?

answer in next post…..


Where to start?!

I have lots of things going on and am starting to think this is a problem. Fragmentation leads to lots of little broken bits.

Knowing that I should be doing ‘good works’ I decided yesterday to cut up a lot of clothes into very small pieces. Seemed pertinent to the day. Pleased to say that it was the right thing to do.

As usual overthinking is both a good and bad thing. I have lots of ideas and it gets to distract me. Starting to think this may be a self destruction mode but have to go with the flow….


Good God I am so sick of failure! As if FridayFail were not enough – now it’s Saturday and Tuesday too!

Am I truely forever to be ‘always the bridesmaid and never the bride’?

Getting close to things is almost worse than being nowhere near – you get your hopes up, you spend more time and money and still end up with NOTHING….. It started off as a silly joke but I really am getting quite good at being a successful failure. This of course fits perfectly into my work ethos.

I really don’t know quite what to do – keep on keeping on is time wasting and demoralising. Making my own opportunities opens up a whole other realm of failure possibilibies. Hide in a cupboard? That’s the one I think…..


BLIMEY! I’ve been efficient this week!

FridayFailure I fear you no more!!!

My (grade 1 RSA circa 1986, I’ll have you know) typing fingers have been flyiing accross the keyboard – no artistic opportunity is safe!

I CHALLENGE YOU ALL TO TURN ME DOWN!! *primeaval scream*

Thank you – superhero power statement now out of the way, I will continue.

As you may have gathered my SUPERHERO COSTUME (onesie) is well under way despite a small but engrossing distraction with a LOT of seed beads and I am nearly at the tricky stage….

I will complete this work

I will complete this work

I will complete this work

I will complete this work

continue until finished