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Studio Swap Residency – Days 3 and 4

Nature is perhaps the most complex word in the language
Raymond Williams, Keywords

A personal ban on accessing the internet during my days at CAC has been fantastic for my concentration: I’ve been wallowing in the generosity of old time, rather than feeling panicked by hasty, greedy electronic time… BUT even during four old, slow, non-internet-y days, completing a new piece of work has proved impossible. I have had to change my plans. There’s just no way I can work that quickly (and to a standard that is good enough).

So what have I actually done? I’ve made 5 small studies (almost complete… but not quite!) for what might one day be a finished piece. I’ve also had a lot of strange thoughts about Nature and Culture, which I am trying to sort into some sort of expressible order (so that I can reply properly to your comment Rob ;) and I’ve had a really great time not thinking about anything else, which will probably come back to haunt me, but who cares when there’s still one more luxurious day left.