See….. now this is what happens, too much time in the cooler things start going funny!
As I mentioned my friend who has defected to the east…he tells me the ‘old people’ in the east where he is are all getting ready for winter, living in sync with seasons and nature, harvesting stuff and preserving food and that…..bending like willows in the breeze and adapting. He says the ‘new people’ in the west have forgotten all this stuff and one day might have to re-learn it all again. You lot in the west there will be just turning up your heating and supressing nature and trying to dominate it.
I remeber Joseph Beuys again and his thoughts on western man and I’m in the cooler there rolling all this around my mind.
As a ‘new person’ in the privelaged west I feel like I am watching naughty children in the playground, most times I join in and enjoy playing, and then sometimes I say actually ‘that is naughty’. In the end the headmaster bursts on the scene, and we all have march off
in disgrace and wait outside his office and miss the rest of play time.
So maybe then the ‘new people’ have lost the piece of paper with the rules on, rubbed out the lines on the blackboard, can’t find the lid to the jig-saw box and can’t make the puzzle fit back together again and need the teacher to come along and mend it all and make things alright.
So in those quite moments walking home from school on my own I think, I don’t believe the teachers ever coming back, So what’s my next step now then?