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Fiddling While Rome Burns

Why oh Why does this happen, I think the word is procrastination. Suddenly other irrelevant things seem really interesting and I start messing about with random stuff and what really needs doing seems very unattractive!

I been drawing little stars and shuffling photos about, why? http://www.flickr.com//photos/rob-turner/sets/72157631984819828/show/

Tommorow I will have to start applying myself and prepare ‘The Cooler’ for a period of intense work. I will need to re-organise the layout in there. I need more table top workspace, I did make a 12 foot x 4 foot table once, and I need to get that back up and running.

I think I will have to change the system so I don’t spend time on my PC in what I call ‘the study’. I will have to base myself in the cooler with my phone and not keep walking in to get a biscuit, bacon sarnie, cup of tea, check emails, look at website stats, twitter, blogs etc. Keep the distractions of the internet out of the day. Base myself in the cooler and get on with it.

I have the time bomb which has been ticking for something like two years and I expect it to go off soon, but still no contract at the moment. But I do have sculptures and all sorts things to make for a sculpture trail in Winchester which includes some stained glass (its been so long since I made any windows I can hardly remember how to make them. Two boxes of glass, lead and tools, materials arrived today. It looks like mosaics for Caerphilly, and designs for Tonbridge. I have a booklet to produce, workshops to organize and even finished artwork to install. Its bonkers and I’ve been drawing little stars and shuffling photos. Accounts….a years worth to do. I have a second time bomb in Mid Wales, but I dont think that’s going to go off till next spring. Now is when I have regrets that I was not brave enough to train an apprentice or someone to help me. Scared to invest in someone who I thought would probably leave and I would never gain from my investment. Just a pipe dream, and never acted upon. I regret that now and face a fair spell of solitary in the cooler, though I will be working with a good friend in Hampshire.

So I have been down the builder’s merchant already and got some treated 3×2 for the ‘Road of Memories’. Regime change….and a making era starts in earnest today and I notice Rome may still burn as I am writing not making…….but I am publicly telling myself to get extract the digit.