There is an investigation.

Something is to be found but I don’t know what. Collected moments have been captured in a particular area, in particular streets, focusing on graphic design, signage, lettering and evidence of historical fame.

Somehow the breaking up of experience creates more of an appeal than an elusive whole. Pieces of scenes allows for the opening up of questions and a myriad of open-ended possibilities. Where could that be? What does it mean? Why is this particular aspect revealed? What am I to understand from this? The rust of time scratches our curiosity. I seek the answers but each clarification often seems to create more uncertainties. At times there is comfort in the hidden, and other times there is a macabre fascination in the hunt for the truth.

Puzzles, quizzes, murder mysteries or the pronouncement of what appear to be straight forward questions. The disclosing is never simple.