The project has ended. We took the totems down in freezing conditions – the ground was so solid that we had to leave some cables underground as they would not come out. Have packed them all up – some were slightly damaged – I think people tried to take short cuts through the sides and broke bits. I am very glad I can stop my every-other -day trips to change the batteries for the lights. Only two of the sounds working at the end – not as weather proof as we had hoped. The lights however were all still on – hurrah for the electricians!

Schools to have the totems.

Thanks to everyone who helped.


Circle is magical in the snow – lots of footprints so people have been to visit it – it’s hard to know how many people see it but here is some proof and in this weather too! It has another atmosphere now and the electrical boxes that annoyed me (being white – leaves I put down to cover them kept blowing off) now look like the snow and a whole new shape is shown in white against the totems. Amazing.