it is monday. for the last 2 months, every minute of every day has held some imperative – usually degree show related but also personal (placate/see/spend time with my neglected husband and boys). it is 1 30 and in one hour i will be meeting another neglected-of-late friend for coffee and feedback from the degree show last friday. but what to do in that hour? the washing is out in the summer breeze. the dog has had a walk this morning. my video is playing on endless repeat to my perfectly manicured (and most likely empty) space. i have a life list that is beyond long, so no point trying to address that right now!

and i have come to wonder. what exactly does this impending transitional time hold? we are in a liminal space, unappreciable by those not in it. the rational outlook is about money (real job starting on june 22nd), catching up with tasks and people conveniently ignored for this last while, and maintaining some sanity in the face of this change.

but really. what is this going to look like?

i have no idea but intend to represent it, its challenges, and its attendant highs, lows and in betweens in this blog.

i am a virgin blogger.

lets see how this unfolds – get involved, compare and contrast experiences, comment in any way you see fit. share.