i’ve had a lovely afternoon out today, as i did yesterday.
out walking i have space to think.
my current positive driver is to do with the notion of future and optimism, both time based and single frame expressions. with this entry is part of the initial research for optimism. i’ll be using my facebook page in this research.
my current negative bug bears are to do with attitude of professionals i encounter, disappointing attitudes. i know i have to work at accepting those which entails an ongoing attempt to overcome the dyslexic side of my personality. in other bugbear department news, i’ve posted the contract off for the exhibition i’m in that pv’s on august 21st. the experience so far has been far from exciting.
i’m annoyed by the a-n site for it’s difficult to follow critical threads of thought. i was very opposed to the degrees unedited resource suggestion as individual undergraduate tutorial experience is personal between those in the tutorial, however i would really welcome a place where a blogger can introduce a subject, like the whether to do and ma or not or what is volunteering like for you. i would like proposing a dedicated part of the site where a thread of discussion can be held for others to see during and after the discussion. at the moment, i find it very difficult to follow how a discussion developed, and it’s useful ness ness as a critical informer for those that follow seems to not be as exploited as much as it could be.
oh i’m hungry too so my mood is affected. masses of baked veg soon to lift mood before going to the pub for drinks in the garden.
the sun’s out and it’s all fabulous dah link.
fakey bacon. xx