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Really enjoying developing this work which, although grounded in my research around science, technology, evolution and change in the Anthropocene, now begins to take on a life of its own – both physically and metaphorically.

Today’s progess:

2 x Letraset drawings (here’s one – I love the way this old Letraset cracks on the paper)

2 x ink drawings

lots of exciting video footage – it’s really useful to be able to play it on the big tv monitor in the gallery space and leave it running through in the background to catch glimpses of it unexpectedly – here’s a still

the beginnings of a wall drawing

a bit of reading

quite a lot of thinking

oh yes… and some framed work on the cafe walls

Tomorrow, film-maker Anna Winter is coming to record my progress so far and then I’ll be preparing for our evening event – How to Survive and Thrive in the Anthropocene.

That’s it for today. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.