the lovely thing about this project is that in all the months of playing and careful thought and deliberation and discussion, there is still room for the unexpected to happen.

something very unexpected happened only a few weeks into the project. i’m still not ready to talk about it yet, however the project has continued and the best unexpected thing is to do with engagement.

in putting the proposal together i had a figure in mind of what i wanted the audiences to be. as there is an opportunity for audience members to take part in the performance, i also gave an estimate of how many i thought would take part. ( and i am being very careful about the word participation here, as that has a whole inferred context assigned for it).

I am now in a position within the project to start to analysise the data that I am recording. of the estimate of audience numbers I am at 89% of the estimate. I do feel quite pleased with this. of the estimate of those taking part, I am at 240% of estimate. yes nearly 2 ½ times as many people as I estimated have experienced the snee snaw at first hand, actually taking part to find the elusive sneeze condition. I am just a very little pleased at this… :)