No amount of shrinkwrapped sad croissant could make up for the five gruelling hours it took to get to London on the Megabus Gold today! Still I arrived excited to visit Lux and dig in their artists moving image archives.

They’re a nice bunch that Lux lot and soon I was sitting with a cuppa in a great screening room. I’ll be visiting Lux five times over the period of my project. I’m hoping that looking at the ways other artists use video will enrich my practise. It’s proved really inspiring so far.

Laura Prouvost is someone I’ve heard lots about but Ive never seen her work in the flesh. And what a delight. I saw Stong Sory 6 in which we meet a ‘cake’ that she sings too and Monolog: an intimate dialogue that blurs audience and screen. Beatrice Gibson’s A Necessary Music also gave me lots of food for thought.

Here are a few of the notes I scribbled down as I watched the works…

Subtitles are like another voice, they can battle with, contradict or complement spoken words…

Fiction is permitted!

Let people ‘arrive’ at the film…suspense, wonder and questioning are a good place to start …

I am allowed to be in my films..any version of me that is useful…