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Cross pollination at the Museum for Object Research!


Object artists have been stepping up to blog about their work and now Elena Thomas has blogged in response to the Museum’s latest post about ‘transitional objects’ on home turf over at her a-n blog Threads. This is exactly what the Museum has been hoping for – cross pollination of ideas, stimulating discussion and a growing resource of ideas and theories with which to conjure in our object work.

What I love about Elena’s post, aside from the wonderful photographs, is the way she teases at the underside of what we might think of as the ‘transitional object’. These objects are thought of most often as facilitators but can they also hold us back or be used to restrain us? I ‘m fascinated by the push-pull within these works and the complex relationships of nurture in which such powerful emotions reside. The ‘transitional object’ is usually referred to  in the context of the child, but Elena observes from the dual perspectives of the adult care-giver and the child.

Elena  has kindly given me permission to link to her post here, and yet for now I can’t! It’s proved impossible to attach links to any of my blog posts but I’m hoping this can be resolved. Meanwhile I’m resorting to cut and paste and very much hoping that you will take the time to view Elena’s work over on Threads: Chuck the theory at the work and see if it sticks.