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Been busy I think…

Still no crocodiles, but there has been quite a lot going on. My news in amongst the making of, succeeding with and failings of my work is that I am finally getting some out there. I have recently joined a local multidisciplinary art group Moving Clay http://www.movingclay.com I joined in at short notice with an exhibition they were hanging at a Local Solicitors office, Jobling Gowler. Also the handing in for the much awaited East Cheshire Hospice Art fair http://www.theartofcaring.org.uk is next Tuesday. It will be good to get the work in and see it up at last, as I have had it ready for quite a while now. I did repaint one of the pieces I submitted and wasn’t happy with and was very pleased I did.

So it’s all on to new projects now, I still have a couple of works in progress to resolve but I am looking to move on with some different work. I am making studies of my collection of broken shells; I have been drawing them, photographing them and have started on some monotypes of them. Very exciting.