Blue Film III

I have completed my final “Blue Film” with a kite flying trip to Walberswick. As with the second film’s abortive flying experiment I instructed my companion to make a second attempt. She informed me she had never successfully flown a kite before and was delighted when it pulled enthusiastically into the sky. The film required no editing and only one take. If all goes well this and the other Whitstable films will all be screened at the Biennale between 19th June – 4th July


Bathroom Reading

My ongoing researches into blood drinking practices has lead me to the door of a strange group of people called the sanguinarians. These for the most part peaceful folk are (according to message boards on various websites) made up of true vampires and non-vampires who merely enjoy the taste of human blood. I observed one fascinating conversation in which the subject of the value of drinking one’s own blood was hotly contested.

In my bathroom Christopher Lee’s autobiography is nearing it’s end. While I lie in my bath he talks to me of his greatest friends and the stories surrounding them. He speaks lovingly of Peter Cushing of course but also of John Gielgud’s barely disguised lust for Charlton Heston; of Boris Karlof who lived next door; of Bela Lugosi who asked to be buried in his cloak and of H.P Lovecraft who never went out during daylight. My companion tells me there was a man in Aldeburgh who also remained permanently indoors during the day and when he died was buried at night.

In my toilet both Mr Frayling and Mr Copper’s lay splayed like dead bats. I have finished with them. Only the illustrations interest me now. This one hurriedly recorded reminds me of my companion both in looks and attitude. Though the identity of the vampiric woman and mustachioed man elude me.


Wednesday, 14 April 2010Lost Souls My favourites of the following lost souls is the person in a library in the Bronx looking for a connection between Zizek and vampires and the obscure searcher from Ohio who was looking for “tight crouches”

Portland, Oregon, United States, “my vision of the future”

Bronx, New York, United States, “zizek election slovenia vampire”

Dayton, Washington, United States, “images of marijuana”

Banbury, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, “my new glasses”

New York, United States, “pearl fishers April 2010”

Paintsville, Kentucky, United States, “marijuana plants”

Peterborough, United Kingdom, “glasses or contacts”

Piqua, Ohio, United States, “tight crouches”

Chambly, Quebec, Canada, “prepare you to die mr bond”


uesday, 13 April 2010

Blood and Kites I have received interesting information from sources in New York of a blood cocktail. Thankfully it was for animal blood though I am not sure that this detail makes it any more palatable. The recipe from http://jesseacohen.blogspot.com is quoted below:

“It’s called a Squeezer. Essentially it’s animal blood drained into a glass. The safest place to obtain this red stuff is through the butcher. Remember to ask for pig’s blood instead of from a cow. With the oinkers you have less chance contracting mad cow, salmonella, and E. Coli. As a further precaution, eliminate any excess bacteria by cooking the blood on a low heat for 5 minutes. Let cool. Serve with a lemon wedge. Enjoy.”

Although I am perfectly capable of eating black pudding, rare steaks and barely warmed poultry livers I find this beverage more than a little nauseating.

The reference to mad cow disease, however, is particularly apposite as, in Ipswich, our Conservative party candidate is none other than Ben Gummer. As a boy he was (I am lead to believe) fed a good deal of high risk meat products by his father John. Still I saw him in the street yesterday ruddy faced and steady on his feet.

Today my companion and I drove to Walberswick to test it’s 3G connectivity and to fly a kite. The former was none existent. The latter activity was prematurely concluded when, distracted by a frisby, my companion loosed the kite which promptly headed out to sea. Before it fell tragically into the waves there was a magical moment when the sea grasped the string and through the motion of it’s ebb and flow briefly flew the kite with such skill that we were mesmerised. I, of course, failed to capture any of this on camera.


Friday, 9 April 2010Mortality My reaquaintance with television has revealed a sort of vampire saturation point. So far this week I have seen Reruns of “Buffy”, “Vampire Diaries”, “True Blood”, “Blade the series”, a Sherlock Holmes called “The Last Vampyre” films including: “Cirque de Freak”, “The Lost Boys”, “Slayer”, “Vampire Journals” it is all too too much. Many of the current vampire tales seem hell bent on integration an interesting development but one which might neuter the myth forever.

Yesterday I received my contract for the biennale containing promises of a healthy remuneration. It may seem remarkably unprofessional but I had been working blind. Too embarrassed to ask if, or how much, I might be paid I had resolved just to blunder forward making things and writing this blog until my time ran out. Now I know the exact figure it has engendered in me the usual feelings of fear and inadequacy.