Switching sides of the brain

A real struggle for me is switching from my logical side to my creative side, I know I won’t make any artwork this week because my head is in working on the business side of my practice. This is because once I start making and creating, I won’t want to switch back to logical, concise thinking. I will want to get into that flow of losing time and space in the act of making something. So wihile doing all this logical stuff, I will get very daydreamy and start planning what I will be making next Long term I can’t maintain this, because eventually, just like a river, I will get pulled back out into the rapids and HAVE to start making.

Or I will end up being very very grumpy…

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Exhbition – Aesthetics of Africa

I have some work in the Small Gallery at Pickfords House in Derby, this was a commission from Derby City Council to produce a contemporary interpretation from the African Collection held by the museum.

I worked mainly with the Ibeji Figure, a statue that represents a dead child or baby that was born a twin. As I have twins living in my house this was especially poignant to me.