A back-breaking morning lugging chairs and concrete blocks to and fro, an afternoon of moving pieces of glass and metal. So lots of movement and not much sitting and thinking, but I wanted to get a mass of objects into the space early on so that I could then spend time moving them around.

The three pieces of corrugated iron Nissen hut and the rusted struts from the back of the studio building look very much at home but are problematic to secure in a safe but temporary manner – no rivets. They describe three great rusty arcs through the space and tie in with the bunker themes.

I borrowed some wallpaper paste to put the new A0 stamp posters up, but decided initially on a less permanent fixing until I’m more sure of positioning. As the light faded I switched on the builder lights to have an initial look at the shadows.

A mushroom cuppa soup from Stephanie for lunch and also a croissant. Now (8.30ish) quite tired, I’m uploading a series of photos taken throughout the day of the movement of objects in the space. I’m also going to put stuff onto my personal blog each day of the residency: http://cyrusgarden.blogspot.com

Dominique Rey


Stephanie Douet is in her studio working long days at the moment, finishing several sculptural works for a deadline in a few weeks time for Sinopticon. She’s been researching chinoiserie and making the work for what must be 2 years now. The sculptures will be taken to Plymouth’s Saltram House, a National Trust venue, but the Sinopticon show (curated by Eliza Gluckman) is also at Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth City Museum and Gallery and Plymouth College of Art & Design. www.sinopticon.org

Here is a rather lovely polaroid I took of the artist pretending to be at work. I’ll take her a piece of cake to stoke up the sugar levels when I go in tomorrow morning to start my five day residency in the Project Space.

Dominique Rey