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A good conversation last night with Desmond Brett and Lee Grandjean. The discussion ranged back and forth but focussed initially on drawing within sculpture and sculptural drawing and perhaps the bits in between. It seems the two invited speakers are both somewhat at transition points within their work, which led to a fascinating insight into process and the physicality of stuff. Lee spoke about his impetus within new work he is creating for a show at The Sainsbury Centre for the end of September. Desmond waved goodby to some of the more gestural pieces he has created recently, for instance in Cyprus, looking towards a (perhaps more cold climated) practice of more abstracted form jarring with surface and/or decoration. There were thoughts about the physicality of a studio space – a barn in a field of an itinerant sketchbook for a space – and about the relationship between drawing, sculptiure and material matter. A later, more confusing discussion ensued about the Scandinavian or more broadly Nordic Noir and which actors appear where.

Dominique Rey