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Dear Reader,

Today I practiced with a Kodak Luma 350 Projector. I experimented with my video from last semester hoping to find interesing ways to project my work.

I tried multiple ways of projecting, on my work, my wheelchair, and even on myself too.

I started out by projecting on a table in the art studio. I used my 3D printed version of myself to project onto, this cast a shadow in the projected image. I loved how I could insert myself back into the landscape by using shadows; making myself larger than life.

I then started unsing my wheelchair as a platform to project onto, creating one of my favorite images:

I really loved how this image turned out. I love how the 3D printed me is over exposed and easily over looked, drawing the attention to the shadow it casts. The shadow of myself looks like its about to self propel up an inclining hill, with the irony of my enlarged feet looming in the back ground. I can feel a sense of dread when I look at this photograph. I would like to further expand projecting into a landscape.

I have found that I really enjoyed playing with the perspective and scale.

I was fortunate enough to take my projection experimentation to the display space, where I could continue this work in a room without windows.  These are a couple of the images produced in the space:

I was was really pleased with how the images turned out in this space. The difference in light made such an impact on the final out come. I love the sharpness and the the stark contrast in colour. I particularly love the pictures taken of the wheelchair in this space and how the picture was captured at an upwards angle. As a wheelchair user I am always looked down upon, so it was almost cathartic to view my chair with a sense of grandure.

Going forward I would like to take this portable projector outside (on a day when its not raining) to project my mini film onto the places I struggle to navigate around campus. I am really looking forward to projecting up hill and watching the film stretch out across the concrete.

I hope to borrow a more robust projector at somepoint in the near future so that I may have it suspended. When my final film is completed I would love to have it projected onto the floor. I am interested in showcasing my work this way for several reasons:

  • I like the symbolism of the viewer looking down on the art and those using wheelchairs in my video
  • I want to document the viewers responses:
    • Would they even notice the work? 
    • Will they stop to look if its on the floor, would they react differently if it was on the wall? 
    • Would people feel comfortable walking over the art? Or will they step around it? 
    • Will they be viewers or participants? Will they engage with the work positively or negatively? 
    • Will the same viewer respond differently over time?