It’s been a while………I came to a halt, between being busy at work and the school holidays I have not been able to do much. Things are lying unfinished and my enthusiasm for finishing has been slipping away. I want to make new things now not finish the old. I however promised work for the art sale in October (help) what am I going to send? It’s getting closer and closer and we go to France on holiday soon. September is going to be a busy month!

I found more shells, sea shells all broken, small spirals exposed and twisted, loops and holes…….more shells more spirals. I have started to draw them in my sketch book, not sure what I am going to do with them yet. Probably nothing for the artists trail event unless I find more time. The trail meetings will start again in September too, I think it may rekindle my enthusiasm.

Things are a little quieter at work now so I can sketch a bit in Photoshop and explore some ideas from my sketch book, which is good but its not getting the work in my studio done!