Well the postponed meeting that should have been on the 6th of May was eventually cancelled the rescheduled date clashed with another festival meeting. Emma rang around every one instead, confirming if we were doing one or two weekends over the festival and which ones. Also making sure we get our house/studio photos over to Dean who is illustrating a map for the trail with all our locations, pics of house, and later a small image of our work. That seems to be about it for now we will have our next meeting in September when things should hot up a bit.
That means that until then this blog will concentrate solely on the development of my work, and as that is largely why I am doing the trail, and this blog for that matter, it seems apt.
So what’s new on the snail front…..well it’s still going at a snails pace but the ideas aren’t drying up, just my time.I have taken some fab new snail photos over the last two weeks the best ones just the other night with some good trails. I haven't had time to sort them out yet and see how or what to do with them.