Viewing single post of blog The Snail and the Artist’s Trail

Nothing much, I ground to a halt wondered about carrying on then had a good experimental printing session.

The studio is full of unfinished work and prints all over the place and funnily enough its starting to look like it might hang together ok. If I ever get anything finished that is! There always seems to be something stopping me getting a little time in the studio at the moment, but hey ho I spent years when I first got “a job” doing none of my own work at all. So this is soo much better than that!

I had an interesting problem when printing the other night, I think it’s a problem with my brain, but considering much of the snail work is about direction I couldn’t get some of the snails to print the right way up!! Maybe I was just tired or maybe they just want to go their own way! Much of my sketch book is full of a kind of automatic drawing, a technical detachment to try to get to what I feel. ( ok scribble) so I quite like it when things seem to take a will of there own. ( happy accident).