*** Please scroll down to view the pundits preview of the matches at the bottom of this article.

The Sporting League show rolls onto Wakefield in Temporary art Show 3 Part 2.

Visitors at the event will be invited to predict the scores from game 4 with the opportunity of winning a bespoke engraved Sporting League foil cup.

Please feel free to take part here and predict your own scores via the comments section.

Temporary Art Show 3 Part 2
Wednesday 25th May 2011, 5-9pm
Westgate Studios Project Space
Prudential Building
55 Westgate, Wakefield
West Yorkshire

Pundit Commentary Continued: Game 4 Preview.

Pundit A: ‘I’m not sure about Universo ye know. I think they’ve been a bit lucky over the last few games and get a bit of a feeling that the ol’ Tranquilayers will turn ’em over.’

Pundit C: ‘Well, I’ve got my place ready on the bench when Athletico play Olby.

Pundit C: ‘How on earth did you get that? It costs a fortune on the cheap seats in Athletico stadium.’

Pundit C: ‘Lets just say that I won in my round of golf against the Athletican Chief Executive. I know people in high places…’

Pundit A: ‘I think we’re being wound up mate, I’m the one who gets all the exclusive gigs around here. Seriously, are you on the bench?’

Pundit C: ‘Aye, I’ve got some big contacts as well you know..I do a lot of after dinner speeches.’

Pundit B: Well, I quite like the look of Liver Halvers for an away win against Pacifica. I think I’ll throw a few pennies on that one..’


*** Please scroll down to view the pundits preview of the matches at the bottom of this article.

The Sporting League show rolls onto Wakefield in Temporary art Show 3 Part 2.

Visitors at the event will be invited to predict the scores from game 4 with the opportunity of winning a bespoke engraved Sporting League foil cup.

Please feel free to take part here and predict your own scores via the comments section.

Temporary Art Show 3 Part 2
Wednesday 25th May 2011, 5-9pm
Westgate Studios Project Space
Prudential Building
55 Westgate, Wakefield
West Yorkshire

For the second installment of Temporary Art Show 3, selected artists and collectives present
diverse works of sculpture, installation, drawing, artists’ books and video for one night only.
Sally Barker, Kevin Boniface, Alice Bradshaw & Bob Miner, Andrea Cotton,
Marcin Konior, Pui Lee, Lemeh42, Duncan Lister & Bob Milner, Pete McPartlan,
Marc Renshaw, Rosanne Robertson, Preben Van der Straete, Jared Szpakowski,
WildLand Urban Interface Collective.
Curated by Alice Bradshaw & Bob Milner, Curators in Residence, Westgate Studios Project
Temporary Art Show 3 is sponsored in kind by Ossett Brewery

About Alice & Bob
Alice and Bob are artists who also curate and have previously collaborated on a number of projects since
meeting in 2007 including Temporary Art Show at Bates Mill in Huddersfield in 2008, Temporary Art Space at
the Piece Hall in Halifax in 2009 and Warehouse Weekend at Bates Mill in Huddersfield in 2010.
About Westgate Studios
Westgate Studios are housed in the Grade II listed Prudential Building on Westgate in the city centre of
Wakefield. The studios are currently self-organised by the artists after ceasing to operate as a managed
organisation in 2010.
Wakefield bus station and Wakefield Westgate train station are in walking distance, with direct trains to Leeds,
York, Newcastle, Sheffield, Doncaster, Birmingham, Nottingham, London, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Sporting League: Game 4 Preview

Pundit A: ‘Well I’m lookin’ at the game of the day with first and second placed Novia and Red Star what d’ya think of that one eh?’

Pundit B: ‘Can’t be sure to be honest. They’ve got history – make no bones about it but I just get a bit of a feeling that it could be a draw. I was down at the Novia ground the other day actually. Ye remember that guy, erm, he was working on the tills a couple of years back, really chatty bloke?’

Pundit A: ‘Oh aye, I couldn’t get away…’

Pundit B: ‘Well, yeah, he’s only gone and gotten himself on the board! That’s what I love about Novia – the class divide isn’t as strong as most clubs and that include our champagne socialist types Universo Collunteen.’

Pundit A: ‘Ok, Ok, back to the games- I’m lookin’ at the table and see Tranquilayers at the bottom, have they got their work cut out for themselves against Universo?

Pundit B: ‘It’s the rich versus the so called poor. I don’t get all this working class Universo talk, I mean it was a run down area back in the 80’s but it’s a bit of an intellectual hub nowadays. The match? Well, I can see Universo winning that one, not by much, but Tranquilayers just haven’t got themselves out of the traps yet.’

Pundit A: ‘Bayerns won’t have any problems against Colne. I’m going to be going over to that game ye know? Gets m’self a good round of golf in the mornin’, the races in the afternoon and the match in the evenin – love me visits to the Bayerns.’

Pundit B: ‘Will I get the perks if I get your job when you call it a day?’ Studio laughter.

Pundit A: ‘Come back in twenty years and ask that question again son.’

Pundit B: ‘Yop Lane. I hear they were talking about an easy win against Sporting Athlete even though they beat a strong Athletico side, do you think there’s a bit too much disrespect coming out of the Yop press office?’

Pundit A: ‘I think they’ve got a good mentality. I’m doin’ an after dinner speech down there next week, it’s gonna be one of those high brow affairs. I’m only gonna be sayin’ good things about about them, they really put on a good show down there. As for the match, well, could be a draw mate.’

The Sporting League, sponsored by Rayinado since 1985.

1 Comment

Sporting Game 3

Sporting radio: Pundit A: ‘I think they (Yop Lane) were great last season. Let us not forget that they had to sell all their assets to get into The Sporting League. Nah, I think they’ve been fantastic, they did what they had to do on what was the thinnest shoestring…’

Pundit B: ‘With respect, they just shipped the dosh across to Novia Estates to hold onto…I think there were some strange forces at play there. They seem to be getting lambasted for defecting from The Colbreck league and making something of themselves…a familiar green eyed cry if you ask me.’

Novia made it three straight wins in a row winning by a goal to nil against Bombaya. Novia gaffer: ‘That will do me fine. I’m pleased with our defensive record over the first three – no goals conceded but injury to the central defender is a concern for us now. I can’t believe the Bombaya striker wasn’t given the marching orders, but there you go.’

Tranquilayers recorded their worst ever start to a Sporting season and found themselves rooted to the foot of the table after losing four goals to nil at home to Yop Lane.

Newly elected Sporting Athlete beat Athletico by two goals to one in what was the surprise result of the day. Sporting boss: ‘We’ve been out of the league for about fifteen years, so to come back and win against Athletico is a dream come true. I feel we owe it to our fans to do everything we can to stay in the league. We’ve got a great base in Sporting city and have some big companies offering us backing this time around.’


Sporting League: Game 2

Novia continued their strong start to the season with a convincing two goals to nil away win against Lunderbach. Sporting Radio: Pundit A: ‘I’m just feeling a little tired at how easily Lunderbach rolled over out there today. I think they’ve got the quality to be a top eight side, but the desire just isn’t there.’ Pundit B: ‘I think if you look a little closer, you’d find out that all the problems with the board over the last ten years has had a huge impact over there.’ Pundit A: ‘How are you doing today? I saw your face in the crowd at the three nil home win for Athletico against Tranquilayers…you didn’t appear too pleased?’ Pundit B, ‘Aye, OK, don’t start rubbing it in, it’s well documented that my shares in the club haven’t been coming up trumps for me for a while now. I think we need to look a bit closer to home, perhaps a bit of philanthropy from the exclusive Hilti forest district wouldn’t go a miss. It’s meant that my kids will have to wait another year before they can get the ol’ souped up sports cars they’ve been naggin’ me about. I’ve even had to cut down my visits to the race track to three times a week. I’m still quaffing the champers and chompin’ the asparagus mind…’

New kids Pointeso notched up their first win against Zindustriuos. Zinny boss: ‘’They’re a good looking team, but I can’t see much strength in depth with the Pointeso set up, a few hatchet jobs and they’re gonna struggle…’

Champions Bayerns came back from two goals down against Metronova to win three goals to two.

News just in: The Red Star no1 player has defected to the Colbreck league on a free to Red Noughtens. Red Star execs refuse to comment but are believed to be reviewing their legal options.


Sporting League Season 2008-2009

Game 1

Novia came straight out of the traps with a two goals away win over Colne…Novia gaffer: ‘ Well, I’m happy with that start, I’ve brought a few kids in and they earned their stripes out there today.’ Pointeso celebrated their introduction to Sporting League football with a nil-nil draw against champions Bayerns.It’s been suggested that Pointeso will bring something of an avant garde edginess to Sporting League culture. Sporting radio: Pundit a: ‘Look mate, if you call that nonsense dancing on the centre circle I’d eat my hat if I owned one.’ Pundit B: ‘Come on, wake up, smell the coffee and get real…the youngies love all that stuff down in Athletico city…I quite liked it..’

Red Star poured further misery on Tranquilayers with a 4-1 away triumph.