I have set myself a new method of working that incorporates a set day at the studio every week. This is to insure that my studio work is the continuing force that guides my research practice and enables experimentation when no predetermined ideas are forthcoming. Recently whilst gathering photographic imagery to work from I have had a few weeks in the studio of experimentation. Here are some of those experiments, these works might never leave the studio as finished work however they are useful as exploring different visual languages, and show a progression of ideas.



In the summer a group of us from college got together to put on a show. It was called monster, thinking in terms of Frankenstein to highlight the problems of disparate artists coming together to make a show.

I decided to take the theme as myself as monster, which links in nicely with Goethe’s idea as ‘I am the deciding factor’ and I drew a self-portrait called metamorposis (after Paula Rego after Franz Kafka). As the title suggests I am Gregor from the story who wakes up to find he has turned into an insect and is lying stuck on his back.