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3 uninterested joggers

4 low key dog walkers

4 disgruntled builders

And as many sparrows as you like.

No one wants to talk its Monday morning; except one of the builders was complaining about the recent rain which had turned his working area in to a mud-bath, the digger would be sliding down the muddy slope making his work difficult.

Fred walked in search of sparrows. Then, when located a switch in his head is flicked, he will chase them some considerable distance with total disregard for the perimeter of what was naively thought to be the boundaries for the game. My role in this game is find safe places to chase sparrows. But here’s the thing. Sparrows don’t seem to know which are the safe places to fly and Fred doesn’t mind where he chases them. Also, Fred also goes temporarily deaf for the duration of the game. So – me as the referee in this match find it hard to keep the game on the pitch. In fact, it doesn’t stay on the pitch, it traverses back and forth across a few pitches!

After the match Fred is very happy, we walk home together he is in a very good mood, he walks to heal if I ask him and he sits at the roads before crossing them if asked. When we get home he’s ready to settle down and sleep off the excitement.