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Off the lead walk with Fred this time; and we are in our local woodlands Thornden Wood, which is part of the larger Blean swathe of woodlands north of Canterbury https://www.theblean.co.uk/ . I can see that the leaves are just beginning to change colour. Autumn is my favourite time of year and every time it comes around I say to myself I will create some work or keep a record of this natural colour festival. I rarely find the time, never get around to it, something else is happening or there is always next year. Several years without a dog I never really even saw the autumn and missed it altogether. So what will be different this year then? I am busy working on other projects and it all sounds very familiar but this year I have started this blog and I am realising it is a blog about walking. I will be walking anyway because I now have Fred, but I will be walking because somehow it has become a compulsion. I notice it has become an absolute in my life, because of Fred it has shaped my daily tasks and, in some ways takes priority over other things. I want it to be part of who I am and what I do. With that in mind recording the Autumn colours should be easy as I will be seeing it in its entirety from today 1st Oct.

I notice a fern starkly contrasted against the darker interior of the wood and I am thinking if I was to mix this colour with paints it would be yellow ochre, orange and pink! If it was against a white background it would probably just be a nondescript beige colour!

So there we are, setting my self up to do what I have meant to do for what is probably over a decade now.

And a small batch of drawings I managed to do a week or two ago. I will call them The Late Summer Dog Drawings.