Street Spirits is a group exhibition I have been making work for. I have been looking at women and protest. My source material has been from online sights and newspapers. I decided I wanted the focus of  my paintings to be completely on the female, so I have removed or given a slight indication of the larger scene which had other protesters, police officers with batons and guns.

I mostly work in ink but I decided when this project which started in January, I would like to try oils as well as ink. When I first used oils it was uncomfortable experience, the paint wasn’t doing what I wanted. I couldn’t find the flow which I have with ink. I don’t know how many half painted canvases I have in my studio ! But I’ve been persevering and experimenting with different solvents to change the fluidity of the paint. My final paintings may have something of what I’m trying to capture – feminity as strength.

The dissapeared [ink on paper]

Gasping for breath [oil on canvas]

Serenity [oil on canvas]