This video describes the applications the original wheel has been capable of producing, from one wheel i have managed to add a whole host of other rotating objects. the very far left wheels were hard to deal with, especially the top wheel which is actually on its side, the string pulling this wheel had to be manipulated in such a way that it didn’t cross over with the other wheels and entangle itself.


I have added another wheel which connects straight underneath the large wheel, i think the fact that only a small amount of the wheel can be seen spinning helps give the machine a more authentic feel as if the wheel was there for a purpose.


As i had previously stated, i have used the inner wheels chain mechanism as a source of power in order to rotate additional wheels, which i have attached linear to the large wheel doing this will allow me to add another wheel to that and be the beginning of a chain.


I have added a bicycle wheel as this has many applications due to the fact there are extra cogs on its side which will allow me to use the outer edge of the wheel to create more points of power instead of using just the outer rim of the wheel. I can attach string to those points and use them for their trajectory, this will allow me to make more progress by adding more wheels that i can attach to these points.