Austmarka | 2 degrees | dull
am not
the first up
tho’ its not late
visit Joker
(the village shop)
to stock up
not much
green stuff here
mooch around
in search of tasty stuff
alien floaty things in jars
pale lumpen sausages
christmas fare
lumps of gristle
none of these appeal
select small pack
of smoked salmon
make a list
look at photos/films
taken so far
they lack cohesion
or overarching theme
land + weather
need a rythmn
a pattern
a recurring motif
to set things off
blue touchpaper
has not yet been lit !
more soup
with bread and cheese
which is exceptionally
then an afternoon
on the sofa
with a film
for research purposes
really !
The Shining
it’s landscape
and weather
seem apt
something to jolt
the senses
overhead shots
of pointy mountains
following a car
on a ribbon
of road
camera arrives
at the
Overlook Hotel
a grand and spacious
beguiled by
Béla Bartók
Krzysztof Penderecki
percussive tinkling
and twanging
thin drawn out strings
Nicholson’s face
is demonic
eyebrows animated
by psychopathy
he types with
his son trundles
a bike
down long corridors
all flowery wallpaper
and geometric capets
Mrs Torrence
stands around
a knife in hand
and screams
in a pantomime way
a lot
for supper
a huge pile of pancakes
lemon and sugar
indulgent and sticky
then start
on a complicated
stellar form
based on
Kingsvinger fortress
…using spaghetti
it takes on
a life
of it’s own
triangulated tentacles
filled in
with parallel lines
on and on
’till gone midnight