At the end of March I wrote about performing, and singing and songs.
I feel that there is a shift happening with regard to this part of my work.
I’m not looking to be on X Factor, God forbid! And to be honest, I don’t think I’m one of the worlds greatest performers, as I am always paranoid about forgetting the words – even the ones I have written and sung a thousand times, so have to have them printed out in big writing so I can see them without my glasses, on a stand in front of me.
But I think I can deliver a song, one at a time, for a particular reason. I think I am gaining in confidence too. But the bit I love doing, is the making of it, and the recording of it, the piecing it together. It feels like magic to me.
My question is, how can I make this part of the work that I exhibit? Will it just sit online on Soundcloud waiting for someone to wander past?
The subject matter doesn’t always sit with that of the visual work. That doesn’t bother me, but unless it is part of the same thought train, I won’t want it to sit with the pieces I hang/install.
So what is the alternative?
I’m probably only ever going to perform at the end of term Songwriters’ circle show. But I have recordings in various stages of completion… and I think they stay incomplete, many of them, because I can’t yet decide what audience, or environment I will finish them for.
Any suggestions gratefully received!
Guitars: Chris Cleverley and Dan Whitehouse, and the bit at the end isn’t a mistake, I asked them to do it on purpose!…
…and tomorrow is my third blog anniversary! (thanks for sticking with it!)