I know I said I was going to do teachery things for a while, that the artist would have to wait till December to be allowed to roam free, but an unexpected bonus has cropped up. In the middle of all the teacheriness is a trip to that London…. And so it transpires that Franny is going to take me in hand!

My meeting finishes at 4pm, and by then my brain will be swollen with stuff and guff and I will be rendered incapable of reading the map of the tube. Franny is going to meet me and take over all responsibility for me, like a large confused child… (me, not her).

It is with this impending meeting in mind that I gasp in wonder yet again at the internet. I don’t think our children realise or understand what a miraculous thing it is! They haven’t known life without it.

I have never met Franny or Kate, or Jean or Julie, or Marion, or Rob…..yet I consider them sort of friends. (I have met both Sophie and Wendy though!)

Franny is about 150 miles away I think, but I feel like I’ve known her for years. We have conversations, we bloggers, that cut to the chase. If you “get” another artist’s work, it is a short cut to knowing something of their personality, and something of what is important to them. You don’t make judgements based on appearance, or accent. What people make and what they write is the important bit.

I am hoping she thinks the same, because I don’t think, by 4pm tomorrow I will give a good first impression… I’m not what you would call “well-groomed” at the best of times. By the time I meet her I will be easy to spot… I will have crumpled everything within touching range. My hair will have been raked through with my undoubtedly sticky possibly chocolatey, definitely inky fingers all day. Any make-up applied carefully at 6.30 am will have slid down my face. I expect my knitted coat will be hanging off one shoulder, my bag slung across the other, doing its own version of “lift and separate”.

The almost all day meeting will be interesting and stimulating, I am sure. But I find what I’m focussing on is Franny. I can’t wait to meet you my long-lost, never-met friend!


I don’t usually find it hard to write this blog… it spills onto the keyboard as fast and furious as it spills out of my mouth… I talk too much!

But today, I can’t decide what to write about. I feel I need to round up a bit about the exhibition… but I did that on our joint blog, so I’ll point you there instead:


Suffice to say, we want to do it again. The negatives were outweighed by the positives, and lessons were learned.

I also started writing a post about a couple of weekend workshops I just did. They were really good, I did a bit of a talk about my work, and then the students spent the time making a response to my work. That bit was great. It was in an independent school, beautiful architecture, gardens, materials and equipment abundant. But I found what I was writing about was far too overtly snipy and political!

Suffice to say, I couldn’t work in the independent sector, and I couldn’t send my children there either, lessons were learned there too.

What I NEED to write about is the New York COLONIZE project with Scibase… we now have a kickstarter page, complete with video, blurb, images, rewards and a big shiny green button that says “BACK THIS PROJECT”.

So, lovely generous readers, get yourselves over there, make a cup of tea, watch the gorgeous video, in which you catch a short glimpse of my studio wall and me saying a very cheesey “Helllooooo!” Then, get out your cards and pledge a bit of dosh… every little tiny bit is welcome, we are grateful for and will be put to good use… minimum pledge a measley pound, but while you’re there, you might as well make it a fiver…. Or if you are feeling supremely flush… a bit more!

Thank you!

For the rest of this month I am very busy doing teachery things, but when I open the first door of the advent calendar and scoff the choccy, I am starting work on the Army greatcoat. Defo.


The Grayson Perry Reith Lectures have been a joy to me. I have listened to his words shouting “Yes!” at the radio. “Me too! I also have an inner shed!”

How to be an artist… There’s no instruction manual. For every thousand artists there are a thousand ways to be an artist. I can almost pinpoint the time at which this dawned on me. It took me a long time to get there. I can be extraordinarily naive and stupid sometimes. I can also pinpoint the time I first called myself an artist, out loud and in public. It IS a brave thing to do. It DOES feel a little bit noble. It does feel that I can only be the most Elena Thomassy when I’m being an artist. Anything else is lesser. Anything else is criminal. Anything else feels like I’m not living my life to the full. I’m wasting my brain, my thoughts, my love, my faith in humanity if I don’t make art. My supreme ability to make lemon shortbread is pointless, unless I am also an artist.

My motivation to teach, especially in primary education, is to catch them young, show them what is possible, show them that their thoughts and ideas are the thing that makes them unique, the thing that they can show to the world and leave their mark on it.

This month my diary is filled with opportunities to show myself as an artist to the world. Grayson is right: you have to grab them all, because you just never know who you will meet, who you will end up talking to. You never know what ideas will be sparked, what associations will be made between previously unrelated thoughts. I’m still reeling from the joint show with Bo Jones; I’m doing workshops with students; artist talks; The Art Party Conference in Scarborough; A meeting of the DfE Expert Advisory group for art and design… this last one, I still wonder why I’ve been asked, but I say yes to it anyway. By the middle of December, I will no doubt be almost dead with exhaustion.

The point of all this self-aggrandisement is this: It is a privilege to be an artist. It fills me with the deepest joy. I am thankful for every minute that I have to make stuff, to think, show, write and speak about my work. To be an artist is the BEST thing to be. To see the world around me, be able to process the tricky bits and make something that expresses my thoughts is something I am driven to do. Without it I am shot… shit… and shut.


The exhibition is in a 600 year old listed building.

There’s no wifi and no phone signal.

So the plan to tweet, blog, facebook etc every day has sort of flown out of the leaded windows.

By the time I’ve driven back home and had something to eat, I’m too tired to do anything!

Tomorrow I will take this machine and write a proper blog. Then when I get home all I will have to do is post it on “pix”, and signpost it from here. Bo has taken some much better photos than me, so I’ll get him to put those up too.

Suffice to say it’s going quite well, many people saying nice things.

Goodnight all!


Hanging Day tomorrow.

The big pile has turned into several big piles now. Today I will sort through, put them into some sort of logical order, put ticks on my lists and hopefully catch a bit of time between the showers to load the car.

My husband has been very patiently been tip-toeing around the debris and detritus (lovely words!) without comment. I know he will be relieved when it has been moved. I am hoping not all of it comes back at the end of the week, because I then have to find room to store it all.

This is my half term week from my part time school job. It’s not going to be particularly restful, so I have been front loading my slobbing around. I have had disgustingly long lie-ins on my last few days off, and plan to do so tomorrow morning too. I write this post from my bed with a plate of toast, a cup of tea and the trusty MacBook on my lap (Thank you Mike).

I have a twinge in my wrist that I am in turns ignoring, then bandaging up to give support. I had this on at work yesterday, but then ripped it off in frustration in order to bang out a bit of clay work with Year 6. I’m my own worst enemy. But how can you possibly not touch the clay when you have 8 ten yr olds wanting to have a go?

I think I ought to try to rest it next week, apart from the 100 miles round trip driving I’ll be doing every day.

I’m hoping it doesn’t just get worse and worse like earlier in the year. I’d keep my fingers crossed, but it’s hard to finish the sewing like that.