Funny how you look back and are able to see your life in chunks and eras. Sometimes one blends into another, its passing unnoticed until years later. Sometimes there is an almighty crash as one ends and another begins. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Hindsight and experience make it possible to spot the patterns and can provide clues for future change and movement.
Sea Change
Great expression… the feeling that the current is changing, water underneath is moving… at some point I will find myself swimming in a new direction.
Of course, in this blog, at this time, I cannot be specific about such things, but I can feel the sea change. The rip tide is pulling at my feet, my knees, very slowly rising up my body.
I must rush to finish tasks so that I can “put my affairs in order”. There are things I want to achieve and complete before the tide sweeps me off and the surf crashes over my head.
Occasionally – the other morning for instance – there are moments of sharp clarity that I know I am in the wrong place, that there is something better waiting, that an opportunity has been missed. When it happens, I hope I’m ready for it… I think I will be…
Time will tell…
Time and tide wait for no (wo)man.
I’d be rubbish working on my own, isolated in a studio, starving artist in a garret scenario. I am a slave to the comfort blanket – my adult transitional object. I don’t even see it sometimes. I seem unable to question myself realistically. When I ask myself questions about my work, the best way to go about things, I answer myself very politely saying exactly the things I want to hear – take the easy way. Bloody rubbish! Is it possible to achieve this by yourself? Am I beating myself up about something impossible? Because if you tell me it is impossible, that’s great. Because it makes me feel stupid. I swan along quite happily unable to see the implications of my methods. All it takes is one person to say “are you aware that…” and suddenly I see it.
I think I’m wearing the bloody comfort blanket over my head.