I’m not going to talk about the group blog GOING PUBLIC, ( www.a-n.co.uk/p/2133404/ ) very much, because that’s not the point, except to say, just once and move on, how much fun it is already; it has surprised me, already; I can see it being an important part of my practice, already!
…in a different space…
These footprints are going to take ages. I have stitched 5 in just over a week, there are 25 to do in all. It will be tedious at times I know, but I’m happy with them, they look “Nice” (ref David Minton’s blog – www.a-n.co.uk/p/484092/ )
But along with the tedium goes something deeper. I know what I’m working on for the next 3 weeks at least, maybe more. I have made all the decisions about size, shape, stitch, colour, density of stitching, composition, and even – for me a rarity – method of display once finished.
This gives me a head space I relish… repetitive stitching absorbs, yet gives your brain time to compute all the other crap. I will settle, digest, roam about my thoughts. I shall do a certain amount of wallowing in smugness that this piece will work.
I had yet another look at Bhimji’s Yellow Patch at Walsall yesterday. The fifth time of watching was as wonderful as the first, and as always I’ve come away inspired by the sound and its stillness. I have had an idea hot on the heels of it, that will need careful consideration as it is about how I display all of my work for the final show at the end of August. I might even make a bit of film… so the obsessional stitching will give the chance to do that considering in the best way possible for me… big smile!
I briefly considered dyeing this dress I’m using. The yellow is intense, buttery and egg-yolky. My own little Yellow Patch. How could I give that up?