I’ve had a new idea. I’ve scribbled it in my sketch book as usual, but the real life necessities are getting in my way… Christmas for instance. There is so much to do, in my home, with my family, for my course, in my job, that I can’t see me doing anything practical and getting down to making until mid January.
January is usually that month where most folks take a bit of a slump isn’t it? You work your way up to Christmas, have a mad and frantic happy time (if you are very lucky, I am aware it is not like this for lots of people). Then it all stops and real life plods on.
I’m really looking forward to mid January this time. By then my research will be handed in, possibly marked. My stage 2 practice will have been exhibited, assessed and marks fed back too.
Then I will have the time, and more importantly the head space, to start on the making of the new idea!
And… the Secret Project mentioned a while back might become a little less secret…
Well I did it. I think the presentation went well, I had raging sore throat, and this morning feel shocking, and keep losing my voice. It went as I had planned, the technology mostly behaved itself, I had a section where I’d planned a series of images to run with the lullaby. This didn’t work so luckily I had planned for failure and had taken all the separate files and just did it as I went along. It was hard to guage reaction as it was dark, we were pressed for time, and I kind of zoned out a bit… don’t know whether this was because of stress or the medication taken for the sore throat.
It appears I wil have to write more, to explain my concept more clearly, to show my understanding of the principles involved.
oh bum.
Miserable music. I love it. Makes me happy.
Today’s miserable listenings include, in no particular order:
Nick Drake – Day is Done
Damien Rice – Cold Water
Jose Gonzales – Teardrop (cover)
Janis Ian – From Me to You
Dan Whitehouse – All That Will Survive of Us is Love
Clem Snide – Bread (sounds more miserable than it is)
I am Kloot – It’s Just the Night
wot? no Elbow or Doves?
oh ok then…
Doves – Sea Song
Elbow – Switching Off (actually less miserable than it first seems)
predictable? maybe…but it’s my blog so I don’t care!
Here we go again… does anyone else have as many problems deciding how to display their work?
I have 3 or 4 items of embroidered clothing. I’d like people to be able to see the back, or at least a glimpse that there is stuff at the back. I don’t want the means of display to be what is noticed. From the group crit the other week, my means of display – the chest of drawers – took on far too much importance. I want people to look at the items of clothing and what I have embroidered on them. My practical skills are pretty minimal, and I have no money. I have spent hours on scribbling ideas in my sketch book and they’re all pretty rubbish.
So if anyone out there has an idea of what I might be able to do I’d be very grateful indeed.
I may end up just putting them all on clothes hangers and dangling them from the ceiling… seems as simple a method as any, if not a bit lazy? This of course, means I need a room with a ceiling I can hang them from, while still getting some natural light onto them. Those of you that know the School of Art in Margaret Street will know this isn’t easy… where you have beautiful light, you don’t have an accessible ceiling!
What would be really useful is my own personal curator/technician.
Recently these terms have been used about me. Occasionally by me, and also by other people. Also “a bit driven”…
Yes. I am. But I would qualify this by saying I am absorbed by my art-work rather than my self. Obsessed by my art-work rather than my self. Self-indulgent? I’ll give you that one. A bit driven? All I can say about this is that I’m probably hiding how driven I am rather more successfully than I thought. I would go as far as Very… or Extremely. I have no idea why. I just want/need to do this/make this/think this.
I have ideas that stretch into the future, places I’d like to be… sentences that start in my head: “By the time I’m 55 I’d like to be….” This is possibly because I feel I’ve started late, or, more accurately perhaps, re-started late. Part of me wishes I could be saying “By the time I’m 40…” But then I wouldn’t be the person I am, and wouldn’t be in such a rush perhaps? I know I was not in the right frame of mind to be doing this when I was 40.
So. I’ll just get on with it all then, while I’ve got the chance.
I’m sorry if I don’t hear what you said because I was thinking about something else. Poke me in the arm and say “OY, YOU!” first, then I’ll make sure I’m paying attention to you.
Got to go. Things to do.