* very very cheap headphones are crap, no stereo! As someone very wise once said “you get what you pay for”. So I’ll not be sending to Japan for the mp3 player that costs 1p, no postage then.
* finished hanky
* washed quilts, they got wetter, weather forecast wrong
* Lullaby is sounding great (well I think so) last recording session on it on Oct 5th, may have something to play you then.
* washing instruction idea is rubbish
Lots of people to talk to yesterday. I think I’m approaching a bit of a crossroads in my work, and I’m finding it a bit scary.
Elliot Smith (Waltz no2, see obsessions below) wrote “leave me alone in the place where I make no mistakes, in the place where I have what it takes”
This MA that I’m doing though… what would be the point in finishing it, and my final show looking like it could have been made at the beginning?
I have a group tutorial coming up. I’m thinking of showing NONE of the textiles I’ve been working on… just playing the sound stuff. I know the textiles are good, they work, they are interesting. I have confidence in my skill, and in the results. Time to put my neck on the block eh?
feeling a bit nauseous….