And relaaax…
It’s been a really busy month!
Band rehearsals have started again, and we have some gigs booked. The EP we started last year is now being mixed.
I’m recording and reflecting on the Drawing Songs songs. I’ve recorded a couple of podcasts. I’ve had a joint article on a-n with friends and fellow bloggers Stuart Mayes and Kate Murdoch about the benefits of long term blogging
I had work in the RBSA Friends exhibition, the Drawbridge exhibition, and then the biggie: I had been nominated for Associate membership of the RBSA (Royal Birmingham Society of Artists), so had that exhibition too!
Then this week I heard that I have been elected… I’m in!! I’m so excited about this. The process has been really great, The exhibition was fantastic too. But I think the icing on the cake of election has to be that I am the first member in the society’s 200 year history ever to be elected having included sound in their Candidates show! This actually feels like a meaningful contribution already. I submitted five drawings and one song. I’m really grateful to my nominators Steve Evans and Ed Isaacs for their support and guidance. I was aware that submitting a sound piece might be risky. But also it is a huge part of my practice. To NOT include it would have felt very wrong.
I’m not yet sure what membership of this august body will bring, but I have already experienced a new burst of interest in my work because of it – just in a few days! In my head I am planning new workshops, and I will also have the opportunity to exhibit in a beautiful light and airy city centre gallery. I have new people to meet, new alliances to forge and so on.
I have likened this experience to standing on a new rock, from which I can take in a new view, after having had a year or so wading through treacle.
I feel rather tired today. But it is the best sort of tired.
(please forgive poor quality photos of the Candidates’ Exhibition)