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After my last post about not being bothered about the theory of others being applied to any work I might do, it not being my problem, I started to think about my own philosophy… what do I think about with the bit of brain that isn’t thinking about French philosophers?




Multiple meanings are useful to an artist and writer.

I make no apologies for romanticism in what follows..

Fibres twisted to make them stronger.

Woven, or stitched through, or laid down to reinforce, connect.

A train of thought can be twisted to make it stronger.

A conversation… collaboration

A link to something past… A light connection… Or some object, perceptible?

My personal blog is called “Threads” for a reason. It’s not just the textile but the text. The threads between words and music and object are held together by the noun and the verb. The thought and the action.

The blog threads itself through my artist life. I see the thread as something that holds the thoughts together. It twists itself around… Sometimes ethereal… Fog-like… Other times as thin/strong as spider web, sometimes like rope, bound around… So dense like the trunk of a tree…. Branching off….yet still connected…

When I encounter the thread~wisp of fog of an idea I don’t know how strong it is. But when it wraps itself around others, it gets stronger. It is supported by previous thoughts and knits together with new thought.

The thread is my personal, internal, tangible philosophy.

A more home-spun and idiosyncratic version of Deleuze’s rhizome?

The thread governs my thoughts. Knots, snipped scraps of excess thread on my desk are simultaneously real and metaphorical. The textile metaphors that weave through our speech reminders of our industrial and creative heritage. They are everywhere. I see them as signs.

Coincidences connect us to each other… Invisible threads between people and places.

How I live my life these days is, when I look closely, all about these threads, connecting and binding friendships and loves, thoughts, ideas and the language used to express them.

Words hold power.

THREAD is a powerful word/deed/concept

It haunts me…



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I have on top of the cupboard in my studio an old grubby padded bra. I have stuck glass-headed pins into it in a floral pattern on the outside, as if beaded. The points of the pins sticking in towards the invisible breasts of the invisible woman. I bloody hate it. Yet it sits there anyway, reminding me of that which I hate.

To all intents and purposes it might sit among the other bras. Showing some sort of metaphorical link to the work I do… The topics I think about. But to me, it is lazy and false, it has none of the aesthetics of the other pieces. I also think it enables the viewer to be lazy: “oh yeah, pretty on the outside, prickly on the inside, I get it!” There’s no room for them to get in amongst it…one dimensional.
Has aesthetics become a dirty word?
Also, having done an MA I could now, if I so desired, spout bollocks and theory until it fitted. I could crow bar it into the installation with uncomfortable long words… (Like juxtaposition and over-arching arghhhhhhh!!!)


One of my friends recently said to me he just wanted to be left alone to make the work….

A couple of events have been circling around this comment in my head:

Last summer I went to an open studios event along the canal side in South London. There were lots of very “cool” people there… Mingling, drinking expensive red wine, and eating olives…. I digress….. An artist was sat in his studio, having a beer, still painting. He hadn’t “tidied up” or put prices on his paintings. A young woman with roving mic and radio station badges asked him about the “meaning” of his work. He gave her a very old fashioned look, smiled at her and said “that’s up to you, I just make it, what do you think it means?” She was clearly rattled by this and said “it’s very colourful!” He threw his head back and laughed, took another swig from the bottle and carried on painting.

At the Art Party Conference in Scarborough, 2013, I attended a symposium/discussion, whatever… given by artists including Jeremy Deller and Cornelia Parker… Samuel West too I think…
But just one exchange has stayed with me, because it slapped me round the face….
Pavel Bulcher, when asked about art and theory etc said it wasn’t up to him to think about theory, he just made the work, the theory was someone else’s problem.

So this is it then. Having waded through the delights of Deleuze whilst doing my masters, (early blog posts are a testament to my struggles) I have discarded that discourse. That can be someone else’s problem. I have conversations about my work all the time – it’s why I blog… But it’s never about art theory, it is always about dealing with life.

Some might think I’m being lazy here. I’m not. I have done all that thinking, decided what sort of artist I would like to be. This fits with my principles. I shall stick with this until something better challenges it.

I like things I make to look crafted.
I like my work to look as if I have thought carefully, and spent time making it.
I like the skills I have to show.
I like my work to have beauty (how you define that thorny issue is your problem too)
I like my work to be ambiguous enough for the viewer to find a place for themselves.

I just want to make the work too, my friend.

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I like to think I’m a nice person.
I like to think I’m generous with my time and my work.
I like to think I am not pompous, or “up myself” or mean.


Sometimes I have to say no.

I’m not going to be specific here, I don’t want to embarrass anyone. I’m not here to score points. The specifics aren’t the issue. There have been two or three instances lately, where, for a variety of reasons I have decided to say no.

But because I like to think I am a nice person, I still feel the need to explain and justify my decisions.

When I started out on this new adventure, about eight or ten years ago, I would hang my work anywhere, just to get it seen, just to gauge some sort of reaction, build on that, move on. That’s the way I had to do it. I put everything on my CV because previous to that, there was nothing on my CV, not my artist CV anyway. As I went on, and got more on there, I selectively discarded the pop-up pub type exhibitions, in favour of the art festivals… sifting out the open opens, in favour of selective shows. Over the last five years, I have become increasingly more selective about where my work is shown. Because of this, my CV looks better. When I send it to people, it looks pretty good now. The idea is to build on what has gone before, so that there is an upward spiral of better venues, more highly regarded events.


I feel I am in a precarious spot at the moment, from which I can launch myself up another notch. Whether we like it or not, Arts Council funding confers status. While this is in place I have to capitalise on it… it might not happen again. The venues I am searching out, the places I and my work are seen while I work on “Nine Women” is important to me, and I also feel I owe it to the Arts Council, and all of the people whose taxes have paid for it, to grow this profile. I also feel that I can use that profile to raise awareness of the work done in my arts deprived community by ArtSpace Dudley, the charity that I rent my studio from. In this place, if I can help anyone who is trying to do the same, I will!

I do not apologise for my ambition.

I have spent the previous thirty (ish) years of my adult life bumbling about aimlessly, drifting from job to job, accidentally, and opportunistically. I had no idea where I was going. I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I grew up.

Suddenly I do.

Suddenly I am hungry for something.

Suddenly I know what I want to do.

Suddenly, I have something to say, and a voice to say it with.


This has come as a great shock. It gives me a high I can’t explain. I am attention seeking. I am opinionated.

I am a woman in a hurry.

Because I am a woman in a hurry, I am not able to say yes to everything. I can only say yes to the things that get me where I want to be. I am already four years too old for the Turner Prize. Everything I say yes to matters. Everything I say no to matters too.

So if I have said no to you, I’m really sorry if I have upset you, but I’m not sorry I’ve said no.

As I read this back, I am wavering about whether or not to post it. Because it does sound mean, and pompous. But I think I will post it, because I think some of you will recognise the dilemmas, the internal wrangling that goes alongside trying to get somewhere.


Dear Readers,

Quick question…

I’ve been communicating with a couple of galleries, nice places, very approachable, no problem there… but they are booking exhibitions three years in advance. They would be delighted to receive a proposal from me, so they say, but….

Do I write a proposal to exhibit this work I’m doing now, even though in three years time it will be a bit tired… and so will I… and will have moved on (one would hope)

or I do I stretch myself into the world of clairvoyance and write something speculative and vague?

I would like to show this work in a twelve month time-frame ideally… but am I being ridiculously naive here?

Please remember if/when you answer, that despite my advanced years, I am still very new to all this business!

Thank you





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I’ve been thinking about the educational contexts I find myself in… have found myself in… and how my work is influenced by my life in education…


My own early education wasn’t that unusual I suppose… I can remember the things I learnt from my mother, and from adventuring in the rural world I lived in, far more clearly than my formal education in a catholic primary school in Worcestershire. I remember occasional unfair punishments… several hard slaps on the backs of my thighs because I wouldn’t eat pickled beetroot (which I still loathe). And having to cross the playground to the church to find the priest in order to confess I had slapped Desmond. (can’t remember why I had slapped Desmond, but you can bet he asked for it, horrible boy!) I remember the peripheral things… warm milk in real bottles with straws …pretend to drink until Terry had drunk his, then swap his empty bottle so he could drink mine too (still loathe milk).

To a couple of teachers, I know I was a nuisance. I know they hated having me in their classroom. I was occasionally disruptive, but, I think, incredibly insightful, funny and clever (what did I know? I was seven!) Some teachers, I know, loved me for it. Those are the ones I loved right back. Mrs McEnnis, Mrs Marsh, I salute you!


I took, and passed the eleven plus, which confused not only me, but the people who then had to educate me. A clever creative – dear God no! The grammar school I attended I suffered fairer punishments in, for rather typical teenage infringements: for outlawed heavy black mascara, black tights, obscene poems in my geography notebook, and forged letters to get out of PE… apparently writing my lines with a calligraphy pen and purple ink was seen as a subversive act. My teachers were either guitar-playing hippies, or ancient, injured war heroes with a propensity for occasional and unheralded violence.


The careers advice was non existent, they clearly didn’t want me to stay to do A levels, and I didn’t want to stay either… so I was packed off to Art College over the hills in Herefordshire… oh the joy! But I didn’t want to do what they told me either, really…. and scraping my way through that for two years, ended up at Birmingham Polytechnic, doing a course that someone else had done, that they had enjoyed, but not really looking at what I might enjoy myself, so I lasted a year, and stormed out before they threw me out.


After a while as a card carrying member of the UB40 club, I got a job teaching a variety of crafts to patients in the Occupational Therapy dept of a psychiatric hospital, until I had my first son about five years later, then as he grew, I found myself painting and making play dough with a bunch of toddlers in a college nursery. The college needed a tutor for some special needs adults and someone found out about me, and I sort of landed a job, where I sort of taught art and crafts, until my son went to school. And then I sort of had to do a teaching course, or lose my job, so I did. After swearing I would never go back into education, there I was… Higher Education, whether I wanted it or not… and the irony of it being a teaching course was not lost on me.


But I found I liked it. I’m still not really sure why. I taught at the same time as I learned, for several years. Then it all got a bit too much, being not only told what to do, but how to do it, and with what resources. The creativity fell out of the whole process and I snapped…


After what appears to be a fifteen year interview at my sons’ school… another catholic primary school… I landed a sort of teaching job there, as an artist teacher, doing quite a lot of what I wanted, painting walls, making stuff, getting over-excited with a bunch of children…especially the ones that found it hard to sit still and conform. For ten years I did that, also learning at the same time… I did an Open University degree, did the Artists teacher scheme (twice), and then, good grief… MA in Art Practice and Education…

Until someone new came in and started thinking she could tell me what to do…

I snapped again, and eventually, a term later, walked out of the school and into my studio full time.

The educational environments I find myself in now are those that suit me. I go in, make stuff with children, talk to them, laugh with them, and walk away. I don’t have to do as I’m told for too long at a time. I don’t have to tell them what to do either… and actually, within that structure, I can affect small changes and make things how I want to… interact with them how I want to.

Or, I talk to adult students, mostly about my own work, experiences, and thoughts. I think, because of my age and experiences with education and its limitations and the way it hasn’t always suited me, either as teacher or learner, I am ideally placed to encourage.

My favourite ways to interact with people in these educational environments are very low key, chatting to children while they manipulate clay, either about the clay or the not-clay. Not really looking at them, just side by side, playing and talking. These are the best bits. This is when you hear the good stuff.

With adults, actually, particularly women, I like the fact that I can show them that whatever they think is ok. They don’t need my approval or anyone else’s. I like the authority that age appears to have conferred. I have done a lot, often the wrong way round, often at odds with the establishment. It is possible to do that. I like seeing the art that women produce that stems from their lives and their thoughts. I like it when they stop apologising for it.

My work has developed from my life, and these children and these women. I steal their stories sometimes, and mix them in with mine. I sing the songs about them and for them. I like that now, my teaching and my learning, and my practice is all the same thing. It’s taken me a long time to get here, but the beetroot, the mascara, the play dough, the songs and the bras…. they’re all part of it.



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