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Enough school stuff…

Back to respectability…

Finished the twin set, but finding it hard to wear, even around the house. It is the last item I would ever wear, it is beige, smart, smooth, clean and tidy. I NEVER do beige, or smooth, and the other two are pretty hit ‘n’ miss too. It feels weird, like I’m channelling some archetypical Mother-in-Law, or possessed by the chair of the WI. I think it might be the total opposite of Sophie Cullinan’s superhero outfits. It renders me incapable of rational thought and prompt action, causes procrastination and a desire to do the Daily Mail crossword. I may have to decorate a wooden spoon, or make some jam.

All these things though… make me want to persevere… to wear it would be to work out what it is… and would show me where I need to go next.

I have just amused myself with late night contortions, as everyone else has gone to bed, trying to take photos of myself in said garments… the combination of mirrors, camera, and the fact that one piece of text is not visible to me when I’m wearing it, due to the respectably ample bosom… all make for tricky posing.

I’ll wait till morning and get someone else to do it for me.