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Well… bit of a dilemma…

Here I am in Jamestown New York, with all these events planned for me, and the little tickle in the back of my throat that I thought was because of spending so much time in airports and on planes, turns out to be raging throat infection of some sort I can barely speak above a croaky whisper. I’m so cross! I haven’t travelled 4000 miles just to creak and groan at people, I have come to be erudite and eloquent and witty, I have come to seduce them all with my work and my gorgeous English accent!

I’m being taken on a lovely tour of the area today, taking in all sorts of artists and artistic venues… fabulous! I am going to try to do so without talking. Those of you that know me, will know this will be virtually impossible!

Yesterday was amazing though… is there anything more flattering than talking about yourself and your work and people being interested and listening, and asking questions? I visited the gallery for the first time, and encountered my great coat in the way it is meant to be seen. I saw it afresh, and I liked it. It has grown in importance again. I love this piece of work. It has gathered people around it and it seems they like it too. I spoke to a few visitors about it and soaked up the compliments. My body is probably now paying the price for my inflated ego.

Also, went to a recording of a local radio show of a live music gig. This trip is pressing all my buttons… saw Austin “Walkin’” Cane play the blues. Magical.

Thanks Jamestown… especially Debra Eck (and Glenn) and Pat and Mike… whose generosity to an unknown stranger seems to know no bounds!