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I’ve just written this to a-n… if you feel the same way please join in and let’s see if we can get them to change it!


Good morning all!
I know I’ve brought up this issue before, and all I’ve had is a sort of “the computer says no” response.
When I post a comment, I get notified by email. I know I’ve commented, because it was me that did it! What would be really useful would be notifications when someone else replies or comments on a blog I’ve interacted with. This is how conversation happens. It is so infuriating. In “the olden days” it did happen. On my website blog it happens, so why not here? I’ve just accidentally discovered a response to a comment I wrote two weeks ago. How many potential conversations have I missed with other artists because I haven’t waded through to find them?

When this did happen I made contacts and established networks that are still active today… I went to America with Wendy Williams’ group and have returned to do a retrospective exhibition. I’ve been to Sweden and returned this year to do a residency with Stuart Mayes. These are really great things that have furthered my career and my practice. These things are now impossible because a simple conversation between artists is impossible.

I know I will still get a reply saying this is impossible but I want to keep this issue at the front of your minds, so if ever you have another refurb, you can do something about it and make a really big impact on members lives, like you used to.

Best wishes