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Well… it has taken me a while but I think I’ve got a bit more of a grip on things!

I spent yesterday in the studio, heater on, lights on all day, scarf and studio cardi wrapped round me, clearing the decks and gathering together the work I am considering for the exhibition on the ground floor at RBSA that’s booked in from 25th February to April 5th. A good long run, where all visitors to the gallery will see it so it has to feel right. The problem in my head is that most of the work has to be for sale for this, as it is effectively in the shop. I have some large paper drawings, and some large drawings on fabric, that I’m not quite sure how I want to hang them at the moment. I also have some smaller, twiggy works, that will have more “sellable” price tickets on. But I have no illusions. My work doesn’t sell that well usually, and although selling is never my main motivator, it would be nice to come out of it with a few extra pounds in my pocket. However I don’t want to make work just to sell, because they probably won’t and then I’m stuck with stuff I don’t want and haven’t got room to store.

I know I have about a month before the hang for this exhibition, but I have other things I want to be concentrating on. I have signed up to do an online course with Camilla Nelson called Towards an Experimental Ecology of Line


And I do want to concentrate on that as I am hoping it will prompt and enable me to untangle some of the complications in my practice, and shine a light on hitherto* unseen connections.

Every now and then I feel the need to sit on a metaphorical rock and view how far I’ve come, before deciding where to go next.

*I typed it and it made me laugh, so I left it in. I don’t think I’ve ever used the word “hitherto” before!